FREE Meditation Club Q&A

with Gurudevi Nirmalananda

Saturday January 18

11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Eastern Time)


Ask Gurudevi about your meditation. She loves to hear about your inner experiences. She can help you understand your experiences and give you ways to deepen them. 

This free online program is only for current members of our Meditation Club. You meditate together every morning, so now you get to see each other on Zoom as well as learn from others’ experiences. 

Gurudevi says, 

I love to answer your questions. In my other Q&A programs, many of the questions are about challenging life situations or their reactions to them. My expertise is in the inner exploration, so let’s talk about that!  

This program is scheduled every two or three months. The days of the week and timings change so that people in different time zones can participate. If this one doesn’t work for you, check our calendar for the next dates. 



Gurudevi Nirmalananda & Swami Prajñananda



Meditation Club member

Date & Time

Saturday January 18 2025 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Eastern Time)


Your online connection link will be emailed to you after you enroll. It comes the day before or the day of the program.

Video and audio participation are both required, as the class is interactive. We need to be able to see your questions budding up or the bliss shining across your face.

Course Confirmation Date

This Q&A is confirmed.



More Info

Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - programs@svaroopayoga. org or 610. 806. 2119

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

Svaroopa® Yoga

for members only

Let's talk about meditation. Gurudevi loves to hear about your experiences and help you understand them.