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Shaktipat Retreats

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The profound discovery of your inherent Divinity begins in earnest once you receive Maha-Shaktipat Diksha, the mystical awakening imparted by a Shaktipat Guru.  This sets you on course for the highest purpose of human life — the knowing of your own Divine Self.

This transmission of energy awakens your Kundalini, the energy of Consciousness that has been slumbering within you for ages and ages.  She is the spiritual power hidden within every human being, though only a small percentage seeks this level of opening and fulfillment.

When awakened by the Guru, Kundalini climbs your spine from tail to top, uplifting and transforming you completely. Kundalini is the secret force underlying the power and ease of all the Svaroopa® Sciences designed and taught by Swami Nirmalananda.

In our weekend Shaktipat Retreat, Gurudevi gives formal Shaktipat to every person multiple times. She is a Kundalini master, initiated and authorized to transmit this powerful awakening. In the weekend, she also explains the process and purpose as well as how you cooperate with the inner force now burning within you, en-light-ening you day by day.

See our Program Calendar for upcoming dates.