Audios by Gurudevi

Mystical Song of the Guru

Develop your understanding of the Guru through the teachings in this ancient text - sung in English!

Sing along for a profound inner opening, which is the purpose of the chant as well as the purpose of having a Guru.

Gurudevi Nirmalananda has prepared this versification, rendering the Sanskrit words in modern English.

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Honoring the One Who Needs No Praise

Enjoy these joyful songs of praise, dedicated to the one who needs no praise. They honor the Gurus of my lineage, Baba Muktananda and Bhagavan Nityananda.

We usually do a candle flame ceremony when chanting them. Yet you can chant them or listen to them anytime, with or without waving the light...

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Live La Jolla '02

Join in the bliss! Our live chant features the voices of 75 Svaroopa® yoga teachers along with a band including sitar, drum, harmonium and more.

Led by Gurudevi Nirmalananda, then Rama Berch, we went from loud and fast to slow and deep, all charted in three ecstatic chants..

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More Audios by Swami Nirmalananda


OM Guru OM Guru OM Gurudev



Mystical Yogic Breathing



 Spiritual Hunger & Fulfillment



 Meditation: Deep & Easy



 Experience Shavasana



Embodied Infinity






Honored Guru Gita



Consciousness is Purring: Tamboura



May All Be Happy: Universal Prayer



 Na Shivam



 Shree Maa Jai Maa



Divine Blessings: Ganesha



Bliss is My True Form: Chidananda Rupah



In the Now: Tadaa Drashtuh



Shivo'ham: Vibration of Consciousness



The Divine Lovers: Radha Krishna



Nectar of Immortality: asato maa sad gamayaa