Yoga:  Embodied Spirituality

Navigating the Inner Quest for Wholeness

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

with Swami Samvidaananda and Swami Shrutananda

Read Gurudevi Nirmalananda’s new book! 

Through this collection of her Teachings Articles and Satsang Discourses, you experience a kind of pilgrimage.  You travel to the source of your own Divine Essence. 

From a multitude of perspectives, Gurudevi illuminates the path inward.  She takes you through your body and mind to yoga’s promised destination: your inherent bliss.  Her co-authors support the process by sharing their own stories and insights, which are deep and meaningful..

You see in detail how Svaroopa® yoga practices and Svaroopa® Vidya meditation open you to the inner quest.  You experience how they support you in this inner process.  She shows you how to initiate it, precisely and compassionately, with your own body and mind. 

As with the story of any pilgrimage, you learn about obstacles and challenges.  Gurudevi shows how the practices of the Svaroopa® Sciences carry you forward.  You revel in her accounts of surmounting them!  There are places where you laugh out loud.  There are times when you feel the deepest, most solemn reverence for our human spirit. 

Through Gurudevi’s teachings, you feel what it is to traverse the ground to yoga’s ultimate attainment: knowing yourself as the Self, Consciousness-Itself.

Reviewed by Marlene (Matrikaa) Gast, Yogaratna