Enrollment Support & Policies

Course Confirmation Dates

Enrollment Advisors

Payment Plans



Cancellations & Refunds

Student Grades in Professional Trainings

Course Confirmation Dates

Enroll early for your program, to help us confirm it for you. We publish a Confirmation Date for each of our programs (see the course description). Most of these are 2 weeks before the starting date. This protects you from making travel plans for a program that does not meet minimum enrollment.

  • Online courses are confirmed 2 days prior, so we have time to send your online link. On-Site programs are confirmed about 2 weeks prior, so you have time to make travel arrangements.
  • If minimum enrollment is reached before the Confirmation Date, we inform all enrolled students immediately. Plus we include the information in the course description; instead of a Confirmation Date, it says “CONFIRMED.”
  • If minimum enrollment is not reached by 8 am (Eastern Time) on the Confirmation Date, the course will unfortunately be cancelled. People who are just thinking about that program are not counted. 😢
  • On the Confirmation Date, all students enrolled in a course will be notified of the course status. When a course is confirmed, you then have time to purchase an affordable airline ticket, if needed.

Our Enrollment Advisors

When you have a question about enrolling in a program, call or email our Enrollment Advisors at 610-806-2119 or

You can count on a reply within 24 hours, whether you need information or advice to help you decide on a course, an explanation of payment plans or guidance on applying for a scholarship. 

Our Teachers

If you have questions about a specific program or how to find what interests you most, we will connect you with one of our teachers. They can give you recommendations personalized to your needs. See our Faculty.

Payment Plans

We make payment plans available for our professional trainings so you can “earn while you learn.” Your growing skill as a Svaroopa® yoga teacher will provide you with the income to pay off your payments!

Your financial health is important to us, so we have set up the following policies to support you:

  • Your payment plan begins with an initial payment, usually equal to two month’s payments. Your monthly payments will begin one month later.
  • Payment plans total to a slightly higher figure than the standard enrollment, in order to cover our additional costs. Your scholarship awards and SATYA retake discount can apply with full prepayment at the time of enrollment, lowering your total payments.
  • Your payments must be automated, which means they can be charged to your credit card or be an automatic debit to your bank account.
  • Each payment plan has a preset number of months and monthly payment rate, which is calculated based on the length and total expense for the program. 
  • You can pay off your payment plan early, with no additional fees.
  • The maximum you can owe on payment plans at any point in time is $5,000.00. If you want to enroll in a program that would take you to a higher level of indebtedness, we’ll work with you to help you find what you’re looking for in a different way.
  • You will sign an agreement, documenting your monthly payment amount and dates as well as the total you will pay for each payment plan.

Click here to contact an Enrollment Advisor for more information or to set up a payment plan.


You receive the discounted member tuition on our programs if you have a membership in any of these membership types:

  • SATYA membership — prerequisite: graduate of Foundations of Svaroopa® yoga
  • Monthly Donor membership — prerequisite: automated monthly donation of $15.00 or more

Discount on Repeated Courses

SATYA members enjoy a 40% discount off the standard tuition when repeating a YTT, EYTS or ATT courses at our home facility in PA (discount does not apply to Foundations, Foundations Review, or Radical Anatomy). The discount applies only to tuition, and does not apply to Housing & Meals, Material Fees or DTS (though DTS is an essential part of retaking a professional training).

Discount policies:

  • Discounts apply only to tuition, not to DTS, material fees or housing & meals.
  • Discounts are always taken off the standard (not early) rate.
  • The membership which qualifies you for a discount is listed in the program's enrollment fee information. Your membership must be current for you to qualify for the discount and must continue until the program's completion.


Our scholarship program has over 30 years of history. This is how Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram tithes back to our own community, giving 10% of our program revenues to those who need help in order to study. When you apply for a scholarship, we make the process as personal and supportive as possible, while carefully protecting your confidentiality. Begin with a conversation with our Enrollment Advisor. Click for our Scholarships FAQs.

Mandali Travels Scholarships

Wherever one of our teachers is teaching outside of Downingtown PA, we offer need-based scholarships to support yogis who would not be able to attend without help. The amount of scholarship is a percentage of the course revenue, a tithe to the community whom we serve in offering the program. These programs are awarded 2-3 weeks before the program begins.

Contact your Program Host, the local yogi sponsoring the program (listed in the program information). Click here for our calendar, to find your program and contact information.

Cancellations & Refunds

All of these policies apply to your whole tuition-based program as well as to any part of your tuition-based program. These policies include all our residential and online programs.

  1. Switching Programs: For onsite and online programs with tuition, you may switch your enrollment to another program that will be held within one year. If your new program has lower tuition, you will be refunded the difference in tuition minus the change fee. Early Change: until 10 days prior to your program’s start date, the change fee is $50. Late Change: if your change is 9 or fewer days prior to the start date, your change fee is 50% of the Housing & Meals fees (for the immersion you are leaving). This is due to the costs incurred by the Ashram when there are late changes in enrollment.
  2. Early Cancellation: Up to 10 days after the date you enrolled in the program: you receive a full refund of all moneys paid if your refund is given by check, or full refund less 8% cancellation fee if refund is given by credit card (due to the credit card fees involved). Allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
  3. Later Cancellation: Between 11 days after the date you enrolled in the program and 8 days before the program start date: you receive a refund of all moneys paid less a $250 cancellation fee. Allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
  4. Last Minute Cancellation: Within 7 days of your program start date and up until the program begins: you receive a refund of all tuition moneys paid less a $250 cancellation fee, and a refund of 50% of your total housing and meals costs. Allow up to 2 weeks for processing. If you register within 7 days prior to the program start date, the Late Cancellation policy supersedes the Early Cancellation policy.
  5. COVID Cancellation: If the pandemic limits your ability to participate in a program, you will receive a full refund of your tuition and housing and meals. Travel expenses will not be refunded. This applies if you have flu-like symptoms, or if you are unable to come due to government enforced restrictions or pandemic-related airline cancellations. This also applies if you test positive while in a program. 
  6. Teaching Review: Your enrollment is cancelled if we do not receive your video and audio within one month of your enrollment date; there is a cancellation fee of $50.00.
  7. After the Course Begins: Once the course has begun, there are no refunds, even if you are not in attendance. If you miss any part of the course, you may not continue in the classes, and you receive a grade of "Incomplete." You may utilize the retake discount on the same course in the future if you meet the other requirements.
  8. Early Withdrawal from Program Package: If you cancel out of a program package, you will pay only for the program(s) that you attended. You will be refunded the amount you have paid that covers subsequent trainings. The completed programs fees are based on the per-program fees (without any discounts), plus all applicable change and cancellation fees. For example, if you are withdrawing from YTT Component A after taking only part of it, the discount package fees, the early payment discount and member discount are lost, and “per course” fees apply.
  9. Asana Class Series: If you do not use all your classes during their validity period, you may apply 100% of their value toward a personalized yoga therapy session or private yoga class (up to a max 50% of the session rate). 
  10. Private Yoga Therapy or Vichara Session: With your cancellation of a private session 24 hours prior (or earlier), you receive a credit for 100% to apply to another session. With cancellations less than 24 hours prior, no refund or credit is granted.


Student Grades in Professional Trainings

Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram is dedicated to providing the finest professional training available for yogatherapists, yoga teachers and meditation teachers. We are more than a place to learn yoga poses. We guide you through deepening levels of knowledge and practice so that, when you are certified, you have obtained the deepest and most thorough yoga experience possible. 

Naturally this entails a certain amount of rigor in your training as well as personalized assessment in each level of your training. Not everyone learns in the same way or at the same rate as someone else, so we team with you to maximize your proficiency. Yet we also need to make sure you are prepared to handle someone else's body and mind both yogically and effectively.  

Following each professional training and again after each DTS course, you receive a formal grade letter. The grades are “Pass,” “No Pass,” “Pass with Conditions,” "Incomplete," "Completed" and "Invited to YTT."

Pass: You have demonstrated your mastery of the material presented in the training and are ready to teach others as well as to study at the next level of training.

No Pass: You have not demonstrated your mastery of the material and are not ready to teach others nor to study at the next level of training. You need to re-take the training in order to develop mastery and earn a grade of "Pass." As a SATYA member, you may be eligible for a "Retake Discount" on your tuition. 

Pass with Conditions: You have not demonstrated your mastery of the material and are not ready to teach others nor to study at the next level of training.  You need additional support to fully master it, which we list for you as your "Conditions." When you successfully fulfill your conditions, your grade is changed to "Pass."

Incomplete: For some reason you were unable to attend all of the training sessions. You are not ready to teach others nor to study at the next level of training. You need to re-take the training in order to develop mastery and earn a grade of "Pass." As a SATYA member, you may be eligible for a "Retake Discount" on your tuition. 

Completed: You have completed the training and gained valuable skills to use in your own yoga practice, but are not prepared to teach others. This training will not make you eligible for certification nor serve as a prerequisite for later levels of professional training. 

Invited to YTT: You have demonstrated your mastery of the material presented in the Foundations of Svaroopa Yoga training and are ready to serve as a substitute teacher and are invited to enroll in our Teacher Training.