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Kirtans - Call & Response Chants

These chants will be announced when we are chanting them.  Here you have the words and translation.

Chidananda Rupa.h

Chidananda rupa.h

My true form is the bliss of Consciousness.

Shivo’ham  Shivo’ham (Shivo’ham)

I am Shiva. I am Shiva.

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Kali Durge

Kali Durge namo namah

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Na Shivam Vidyate Kvachit

Na Shivam Vidyate Kvachit

There is nowhere there is not Shiva.

There is nothing that is not Shiva.

Everything that I see is He.

Everything that I see is Me.

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.

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OM Guru Mere Guru

OM Guru OM Guru

OM Guru Mere Guru

OM Guru, OM Guru

OM Guru, My Guru

Jaya Guru OM, Jaya Guru OM

Hail to the Guru [who is] OM, Hail to the Guru [who is] OM

OM Guru OM, OM Guru OM

OM Guru OM, OM Guru OM

OM Guru OM Guru OM Gurudev

OM Guru OM Guru OM Gurudev

Primordial Guru, Primordial Guru, Primordial Teacher of the Divine.

Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Jaya Gurudev

Hail to the Guru, Hail to the Guru, Hail to the Divine Teacher.

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OM Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya (Nityanandaya)

OM namo bhagavate Muktanandaya (Nityanandaya)

I bow to the Divine Muktananda (Nityananda) - the Self in he who is the Self in me.

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Purno'ham Shivo'ham Svaroopo'ham

I am completely full and perfect, I am Shiva, I am my own true form

Nityanandaya Nityanandaya

Shivo'ham Shivo'ham  Shivo'ham

I am eternal bliss, I am eternal bliss

I am Shiva, I am Shiva, I am Shiva (Consciousness).

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Shivaaya Nama.h OM

Shivaaya nama.h OM, Shivaaya nama-ha,

Shivaaya nama.h OM nama.h Shivaaya.

To my inherent Divinity I bow, to my own Self I bow,

To my inherent Divinity I bow to my own Self.

OM namah Shivaaya, OM namah Shivaaya.

I bow to my own Self (to my inherent Divinity).

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Shivo’ham Shivo’ham Shivo’ham Shivo’ham

I am Shiva, I am Shiva, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

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