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User-Friendly Yoga

“From my first class, I knew Svaroopa® Yoga was something different, something more, something deeper than other practices I had tried previously.” — Christopher P. 

Based on a significantly different paradigm, our poses are both physical and more than physical. 

We specialize in spinal decompression, which changes everything!

Svaroopa® Yoga has a healing effect on all levels of your being: body, mind and more. Our teachers provide customized one-on-one support in every class. This gives every student a whole new capacity for movement, breath and aliveness. Experience a style unlike any other and steep in the pure bliss that Svaroopa® Yoga delivers.

Our home base is in Downingtown PA, where we offer both On-Site and Online Classes.  Our Teacher Directory lists hundreds of trained of teachers all over the world. 

Svaroopa® Yoga Described

This is a slower-paced yoga, providing deep and organic spinal realignment.  Our poses are precise and compassionate.  Your teacher personalizes the poses for your needs and abilities, using props, alignments and adjustments to help you get the most out of your class.. 

You get rapid physical improvements - no sweat!  Deep healing as well as renewed energy, strength and flexibility - it's all noticeable after your first class, available Online as well as On-Site.

These poses dissolve the deepest layers of your physical tensions.  This gives you instantaneous relief from most aches and pains.  It’s simple yet profound.  You learn how to melt away the years and the scars at the same time. You unravel your mental and emotional tangles along with your karmas.

Every pose is customized to your individual needs, so you get maximum benefit in the shortest time.  Every class includes sequenced spinal decompression from tail-to-top, reflecting the tantric technology unique to Svaroopa® Yoga.  The best part is the way it opens up inner mystical experiences. 

You must feel your way through it in order to understand it. It’s profoundly different from athletics, aerobics and gymnastics.  You'll enjoy this organic process of blossoming forth, named “unmilana” in the Sanskrit texts.  It gives you health and beauty on the way to the mystical attunement to Consciousness-Itself.

 How is Svaroopa® Yoga Different? 

“You immediately get it – other styles are about the body in action; Svaroopa® Yoga is about being in your body.” — Deborah W.

  • “Svaroopa” is Sanskrit for your own Inherent Divinity. Svaroopa® Yoga utilizes the physicality of yoga to give you the deeper experience of your True Essence.
  • Based on spinal decompression, we use precise alignments to create an inner opening from tail to top. It redefines strength, giving you stamina and vitality through releasing deep tensions and recapturing your essential aliveness.
  • Precise and compassionate at the same time, we meet your body where it is and get maximum results in minimum time.
  • Svaroopa® Yoga is body-friendly yoga that anyone can do regardless of your experience or fitness level.

“Svaroopa® Yoga is significantly changing my life, in each training, workshop and class.”- Abby C.

√ Online Classes   √ On-Site Classes in Downingtown PA  

√ Yoga Therapy Sessions (Online & On-Site) 

Svaroopa® Yoga

Multiple Levels

This is an age of anxiety, affecting your ability to love, cry and laugh. Svaroopa® yoga poses decompress your spine,  opening your body and heart as well as deeper levels within.