Online or On-Site

“Having experienced Shaktipat in person as well as online, I can say both are infinitely powerful.  No matter how Gurudevi delivers Shaktipat, it’s all pure Grace.  With both the on-site and the online retreats, I reveled in the transmission of cosmic energy from my Guru.  Both propelled me into the experience I sought.  My spine became alive with Kundalini, my own meditative energy:. – Lissa F.

“Shaktipat results are very effective both on Zoom and in person. Yet I do miss the support and camaraderie of the other Svaroopis in the on-site retreats.  Sharing experiences with other Svaroopis is very rich, satisfying and inspiring.  Plus walking into the Ashram building is like being in a bath full of Grace.” – Belle M.

How To Decide? 

It’s a wonderful problem to have, with online retreats newly available due to the pandemic.  In the past, you had to travel, but now you have the option of doing many of our programs from home.  Different decision points matter to different people and at different times.  Here are some of the key factors to consider.


On-site takes some travel time, but you’re in a dedicated yoga retreat center with other yogis who share your priorities.  Taking time away from your family and home could be a sweet respite, even a chance to recalibrate your lifestyle when you return.

Online means you’re doing your retreat at home.  This brings your yoga into the middle of your life.  You need to collaborate with the others in your life to carve out the personal time for your “yoga habit.”  Everyone benefits from this level of communication and support.

“I do value in person, but also know I am able to be more involved with more retreats by doing a combination.” – Barbara H.


On-site means you have travel costs, plus our Housing & Meals fees.  These costs can add up.  Getting away for any reason entails these expenses, so what better reason is there than to do more yoga?

Online is a lower total expenditure, though the tuition is slightly higher, due to our costs in zooming the program out to you.  


On-site means you’re here, in Downingtown, in the time zone where everything is happening.  We’re synched up with the sunrise, meals are at the times you usually get hungry, and you’re ready when bedtime comes.

Online could mean you’re getting up for a 3:30 am meditation instead of 6:30 am.  Of course, the 3-5:00 am time span is the best for meditation, so that can all work out to your benefit, though perhaps inconvenient.


“It was a space for healing through asana, meditation, mantra and study. Gurudevi and the swamis were divine and full of grace despite the separation anxiety and phone challenges.” – Albert F.


Both on-site and online share the same content except for one thing. 

On-site:  Some of our retreats have Q&A sessions with Gurudevi for the students that are on-site.  We don’t open these to Zoomers due to privacy concerns.  Additionally, there’s always some informal time with her when you’re here, as she arrives and leaves and even when she stops in during a meal or snack time.  Even yogis hanging out together after the program is over – it’s such a sweet time!

Online:  Chat times are scheduled so online yogis can connect with each other.  Some of them include a teacher, so you can ask questions or get other support.  Other chat times leave you on your own, like you would be if you were here.  No eavesdroppers!


On-site:  When the power goes out, we’re still together.  When it’s hot, we’re hot together.  When it’s cold, we’re cold together.  Technology doesn’t affect us much.

Online:  Technology makes so many things possible, but when it’s not working, it’s not working.  The challenges can be on our end, or can be with an individual student.  And when someone is learning how to use their device, it can affect everyone else.  We’re patient and helpful, but recognize that these glitches do occur.

“I have immense gratitude to Gurudevi and the other teachers for leading us through the practices and the technical support.” – Nansi C.

In Person

On-site:  Something happens when we get together.  Being able to connect online is close to the real experience, but it’s simply not the same as being in the same room together.  You’re sleeping in the shakti cocoon when you’re here, and eating Ashram food.  It makes a difference!

“Zoom was OK, but not like being on-site. One day we will all be back!” – Monique M.

You Get to Choose 

What do you want to do?  Whatever works best for you, that’s what you choose.  Because any of it that you do, it’s a way to “Do More Yoga!”