Enlightenment: Stages & Steps Telecourse
Free Intro Video click here
Find out about our new Telecourse, a self-paced online program with Gurudevi Nirmalananda. In this free video, you will get a feel for what this course offers you as she introduces the topics of study:
- Module 1: The Power of Yearning
- Module 2: Finding Your Way
- Module 3: Experiencing Freedom.
This is about enlightenment. It's about YOUR enlightenment Through Gurudevi’s teaching articles and videos, you will discover where you are in the process and how to move it along.
Your Telecourse includes three Modules. Each Module has six lessons, including Teachings Articles and Videos of Gurudevi. Enroll in a single module or take all three.
Enlightenment is within your reach. Your own Self is closer than your breath. As a Shaktipat master, Gurudevi’s specialty is that she opens up the inner experience for you as she explains it. Your learning is experiential as well as mystical..
Learn more about the telecourse here.
Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Svaroopa® Yoga
Find out about the path and
how to speed your progress,
as known by those who have trekked
to the heights for which you yearn.