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Professional Yoga Therapist (PYT)

PYT Online Brochure

Yoga TherapistAs a Professional Yoga Therapist (PYT), you support your clients and students in their healing and transformational process.

In private yoga therapy sessions, use specialized poses and advanced therapeutic techniques. Plus you engage their mind in their healing, using our vichara (guided self-inquiry) process. Breakthroughs are the norm.

In classes, you include Classroom Therapeutics so students make rapid progress. Watch them get their body back - and get their life back!

Deepen your knowledge of anatomy and physiology, integrating yoga’s perspective with the medical perspective. Gain a profound understanding of the healing process and how to guide your clients through it smoothly and easily.

Find out more about our training in these informational pages. You're on page 1 now. Links at the bottom will reveal more.

Healing happens from the inside-out

Everything we do is focused on the deepest levels, creating the most powerful catalyst to change. The physical techniques are only the beginning. Your training as a therapist includes:

  • private session skills
  • how to treat pain, regardless of the cause
  • classroom therapeutics
  • anatomy of the living body
  • guided self-inquiry process
  • the power of prana
  • the therapeutic power of Consciousness
  • getting beyond the medical mindset

Next Page Helping Others > 


Table of Contents

page 1 - PYT Online Brochure

page 2 - Helping Others

page 3 - Everyday Yoga Miracles

page 4 - A New Paradibm

page 5 - Our Founder's Story

page 6 - What to Expect

page 7 - Modular Approach

page 8 - To Learn More

page 9 - Certification Pathways


Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - programs@svaroopayoga.org or 610.806.2119

More Alive, More Joyous, More You!

Simultaneously you get more: you smile more easily, breathe more fully, love more openly and discover there is more within you than you imagined.