Yoga's Sacred Songs
Chants of Svaroopa® Yoga
By Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Find all the words to all of our chants, along with their translations and the reasons we chant them.
Best of all is Shree Guru Gita in English. Gurudevi has made these profound teachings accessible and understandable in her versification – with short footnotes explaining technical terms.
Get the companion audio with both English and Sanskrit for the fullest experience - Mystical Song of the Guru, chanted by Gurudevi.
The book, Sacred Songs, gives the backstory for every chant, explaining where it comes from and what it means.
the chants that Gurudevi wrote, she explains the import of the melody as well as the words. All her chants come from yogic texts, key verses or important terminology.
Different types of chants are included and explained:
- Invocations – Beginnings & Endings
- Aratis – Candle Flame Ceremony
- Bhajans – Devotional Songs
- Kirtans – Call & Response Chanting
- Svadhyaya – Chanting a Yogic Text
A dozen photos of Gurudevi are included, many of which have never been published before. The Appendix includes a complete pronunciation guide for the phonetical spelling of Sanskrit, helping you find the sounds by using English words as examples.
This book will deepen your experience of our chants as well as enhance your understanding. If you will be in Downingtown, ask Gurudevi to sign your copy!
Other Books by Swami Nirmalananda