The surge is on!

While the CDC has announced that Covid-19 is now "just another flu," we are implementing some simple precautions for yogis in our immersion retreats and trainings.

  1. Mask while traveling. This protects you and your yoga buddies in the immersion.
  2. For immersions, we will test all participants at the start of the program. For immersions lasting 4 days or more, we will test all participants again on day 3. We also provide antigen test kits for use anytime.
  3. If you have symptoms or recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, you should wear a mask. We will support your masking at any time.
  4. If you’ve had COVID, the CDC recommends returning to normal activities (including yoga) after at least 24 hours of the following being true:
    1. Your symptoms are getting better overall
    2. You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

We hope you’re coming to one of our On-Site programs soon.  Plus we have a wealth of online programs and freebies for you to enjoy.

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