Our Master Teacher

Satguru Nirmalananda Saraswati, CSYT, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

As a Saraswati monk, she wears the traditional orange, and has openly dedicated her life to serving others. She was honored with the title "Satguru" in India in 2015. Fondly called "Gurudevi," she teaches Downingtown Yoga & Meditation Center's meditation programs, during which she makes the highest teachings accessible to everyone, guiding them to the knowledge and experience of their own divine essence. She shares her incredible knowledge in a personal and life-embracing way, through her humor as well as her caring presence. Click here for more.  



Swami Shrutananda Saraswati, CSYT, E-RYT 500

A sannyasin in the Saraswati order of monks, Shrutananda has dedicated her life to Self-Realization, the knowing of her own Self. “All of yoga’s teachings are based in Consciousness and all offer the experience of the Self,” says Shrutananda. She continues to disseminate the yogic teachings as a service to others who wish to become Self-Realized. Shrutananda’s previous work as a research scientist has enlivened her understanding of the science of yoga, .especially in her serving as the Head Teacher Trainer for Svaroopa®Vidya Ashram. Read more…


Swami Samvidaananda Saraswati, CSYT

Her name, Samvidaananda, means the bliss of the mystical heart of Consciousness. That heart is the essence of your own Self, not your emotional self. Gurudevi gave her this name because she puts her heart into everything she does. She teaches meditation, vichara (guided self-inquiry), the sacred texts, asana and yoga therapy with warmth, clarity and humor. Teaching yoga and meditation is a joy for her as well as a calling… For Samvidaananda, being a swami is a divine calling. It is a joyful life of service. She says, “Now that I am a swami, I do what I’ve always done. The difference is that I’m doing it from a greater depth…” Read more


Swami Satrupananda Saraswati, CSBT

Satrupananda began practicing yoga and meditation in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, she spent time in China and Southeast Asia where she deepened her interest in Eastern spirituality. In 2005, she met her Satguru, Gurudevi Nirmalananda, and received Shaktipat initiation. This stopped Satrupananda’s searching and began her dive into theSvaroopa® Sciences. She formalized her commitment to the Svaroopa® Sciences by becoming a swami, a yoga monk. This is both a personal commitment to exploring within and a commitment to serving others…  Read more


Swami Prajñananda Saraswati, CSYT, RYT 500

She has dedicated her life to deepening in the knowing of her own Self. Prajñananda was initiated as a yoga monk in the Saraswati Order by Gurudevi Nirmalananda in December 2019. Her vow is to focus on her own spiritual deepening. As Saraswati is the Goddess of learning and teaching, Prajñananda offers these ancient teachings to others. Swami Prajñananda is a Teacher Trainer at Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. She also teaches yoga, meditation, yoga therapy and vichara both locally and online. Enlivened by her Guru, the teachings have real meaning in Prajñananda’s life... Read more 


Other Teacher Trainers

Michelle (Kamala) Gross, CSYT, RYT 500

Leading Foundations, Half-Day Workshops & Mandali Travels Programs.

Kamala (Michelle) Gross began taking and studying Svaroopa® yoga in 1997 and opened Westborough Yoga Studio in 2002. As well as teaching weekly classes, Kamala is a full time Svaroopa® yoga and Embodyment® therapist, as well as a meditation teacher. She is excited to help spread the practices of Svaroopa® yoga beyond her local community. She is committed to helping others find what this style of yoga has to offer and create a community of teachers. Invite Kamala to teach in your home town: | 508.341.6424 

Leslie (Bhakta) Johnson, CSYT, RYT 500

Leading Foundations, Half-Day Workshops & Mandali Travels Programs.

With her compassionate and patient approach, Bhakta easily communicates the knowledge and experience of yoga. She began teaching Svaroopa® yoga after completing Foundations in 2002 and now serves as a Foundations Teacher Trainer, Leading Teacher, DTS Mentor and a trainer for the Embodyment® Yoga Therapy course. You may invite Bhakta to teach Foundations in your home town; contact her directly at | 612.408.0434



CSYT - Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher (650 hours)

CSBT - Certified Svaroopa® Basics Teacher (250 hours) 

RYT 500 - Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 500 hours)

E-RYT 500 - Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance 500 hours)

C-IAYT - Certified Yoga Therapist (International Association of Yoga Therapisits 800 hours)

Yogaratna - "Yoga Gem", awarded by Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram to select teachers.