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Ancient Teachings for Our Modern Lives

The mystical secret is hidden within, but you need tools and teachings to find it.

Yoga's ancient sages passed the secrets down through countless generations of yogis. The oral tradition is alive and well, augmented by a vast library of texts.

It is the living tradition that keeps the most ancient truths alive and relevant. One who embodies the promise of yoga is empowered to share it with you.

Every teaching I give must fulfill three guidelines:  1) My Guru taught it, 2) I have experienced it, 3) I have been authorized to teach it. This insures that it's not coming from my mind. It comes from a deeper source. - Gurudevi Nirmalananda

watch Gurudevi's sutra discourses from her twice-weekly meditation programs.
read her monthly articles over the last three decades
experience the bliss of yoga chants in these audios by Gurudevi
collections of her teachings make it easy to immerse yourself 
Sanskrit pronunciation lessons and commentary help you decode this pivotal text of the tantric tradition
be enthralled by the ancient teaching stories of the Gods, Gurus and great Sages of yore.
experience how easy it can be to explore the inner depths of your own beingness with these Satsangs (teachings)

Svaroopa® Yoga

If you want to know, you go to one who knows.