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More frequent?  Less frequent?  We offer bite-size pieces, daily or less often - whatever works for you.  

Make progress toward enlightenment a day at a time.  Get our short, heart-warming emails for an inner boost, only 60-90 seconds for each one.  

You get short videos too, a 60-90 second video weekly (or more often). It's a bite-size piece to chew on or just to make you grin.

As designed by our Master Teacher, our goal is to give you a moment of upliftment every day.


  • Daily: an uplifting teaching or video from Gurudevi, plus periodic excerpts from yogis' stories.
  • Tues-Thurs: yogis tell their stories on Tuesdays. Thursdays bring videos and audios from Gurudevi as well as stories about her.
  • Weekly: you get the Thursday videos and audios from Gurudevi as well as stories about her. Learn about enlightenment from those who see it in action.
  • Monthly: uplifting stories of real people doing more yoga, along with links to recent additions to our freebies and upcoming programs. 

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It begins Constant Contact's three stage process: 1-enter your email, 2- get an email with a link (this is for your security), 3-click the link and make your choices (as described above)

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Svaroopa® Yoga

A Day at a Time

Progress toward enlightenment in bite-size pieces.