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FREE Newcomers Yoga Class

Saturday July 27

1:00 - 2:30 pm

Downingtown Yoga & Meditation Center

Try it out for free. See if Svaroopa® yoga works for you.

Your class begins with a reclining pose, your knees propped up on soft blankets and soothing music playing.  The 10-minute guided relaxation is followed by some slow yoga breathing, and then you're up and moving.

Each pose builds on the one before, in a choreographed process that decompresses your spine from tail to top. Your teacher adjusts your blocks and props to customize the pose to your body's needs, while helping you find a new capacity to move and breathe. 

At the end of class, you return to your reclining pose for another guided relaxation, followed by a contemplation from yoga's ancient sages. You will float out... guaranteed!

Class size is limited to 8, so you must register! We cannot guarantee we will have room for you without a reservation, sorry.


Swami Satrupananda




Date & Time

Saturday July 27 2024 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm (come early to get all set up)


Downingtown Yoga & Meditation Center

116 E. Lancaster Ave, Downingtown PA

Course Confirmation Date

Course is confirmed.



More Info

If you cannot make this day and time, check out our next date for "Free Newcomers Class" - October 17

Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - programs@svaroopayoga.org or 610.806.2119

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

Svaroopa® Yoga

Immediate Improvement

The problems you bring begin to disappear before your class ends. It all starts with deep relaxation and yogic breathing.