Shaktipat Retreat On-Site

May 2 - 4

Lokananda Retreat Center, Downingtown PA

Also available Online.

Recognize and revel in your own spiritual essence. Be empowered by a spiritual master who can open your access to the powerful flow of meditative energy within. This profound inward path is revealed when you receive Shaktipat initiation from Satguru Swami Nirmalananda (Gurudevi).

Yo’ vipastho' – Shiva Sutras 3.29

Only one with mastery over Kundalini is competent to enlighten others. Such a Guru empowers you to realize your spiritual essence.

Shaktipat initiation awakens your Kundalini, the Divine Energy within you, so that you may attain the highest goal of human life – knowing your own Self. When awakened by the Guru, Kundalini climbs your spine from tail to top. She is the mystical force granting the power and ease of all the Svaroopa® sciences.

You receive formal Shaktipat initiation from Gurudevi twice in this weekend meditation retreat. She is a Kundalini Master, authorized to transmit this powerful initiation. She explains the process and purpose as well as how you cooperate with the inner force that is burning within you, in-light-ening you day by day.

Absolutely wonderful spiritual experience. I was so honored to meet such a great Guru and Kundalini Master; this is truly a life changing experience. - Alena T.

The Online Retreat is easier for most yogis, yet those who come On-Site enjoy Gurudevi's physical presence. In addition, after lunch on Saturday, they have a question-and-answer session with her, which is not included in the Online retreat. Online participants have a longer lunch recess during that time. Yet the Online program is powerful, plus it fills your home with Shaktipat energy. Learn more about the difference between On-Site and Online Programs here.

Your spiritual progress is accelerated by receiving Shaktipat. This inner experience leads to enlightenment sooner or later, and Shaktipat makes it happen sooner. That’s the whole point!

The profound inward path of Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation begins with Shaktipat. Discover a whole new dimension to your own being and learn tools that help you bring that into your life.

When someone is ready to go deeper and learn more, this retreat with Gurudevi includes deep teachings. The transmission of Shaktipat awakens the understanding of these teachings. It created a deep sense of inner peace, opened my heart and left me feeling joyful! – Terry G



Gurudevi Nirmalananda




Dates & Times

Friday May 2 2025 begins with Dinner at 5:00 pm, with retreat going from 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Saturday May 3 from 6:00 am - 9:00 pm with Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and Dinner included

Sunday May 4 from 6:00 am - 11:45 am with Breakfast, also including Lunch (served at 11:45 pm)


Tuesday May 6 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm (Eastern Time)


Lokananda Retreat Center

116 E. Lancaster Ave, Downingtown, PA

Online option is available here.

Course Confirmation Date

This retreat is confirmed.

We confirm the course on or before this date, when we have enough enrollments to confirm. Early rates are available until this date. We will email you with the latest updates.


Enrollment Fees include course tuition and your meals, with details on each below.

Early Tuition (on or before April 18 2025): Members*: $491.00; Non-Members: $541.00

Standard Tuition: $601.00

Meals: $142.00

NOTE: Enrollment has filled our housing capacity. The yogis who registered early are being housed and fed at Lokananda, our dedicated retreat facility.

Yogis who register now will still enjoy Ashram meals, but need to provide their own housing and transportation. We recommend the nearby Home2Suites, where you get a significant discount with the Housing Link you get upon enrollment.

Total Enrollment Fees:

Early Totals (on or before April 18 2025): Members*: $633.00; Non-Members: $683.00

Standard Totals: $743.00

*Memberships that qualify for the discounted early rate: SATYA Membership & Monthly Donors

Scholarships, discounts and payment plans are not available for Shaktipat Retreats, and SATYA GTCs do not apply. Instead, we offer many free services and free programs with Swami Nirmalananda. You can easily access the teachings and do the Svaroopa Vidya practices without any out-of-pocket cost to you. 

More Info

Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - or 610.806.2119

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

Svaroopa® Yoga

The Gift of Grace

Being carried, being propelled, deeper than you can go on your own - this is the gift of Grace