Enlightenment:  Stages & Steps

Online Telecourse

Watch FREE Intro Video  - click here

Did you know there are stages of enlightenment?  Maybe you're already part-way there!  Learn about the stages as well as the steps you can take to progress along the inward path.

Your ability to see where you are depends on you knowing about the process.  It’s like your ability to see how close you are to home, which depends on you recognizing landmarks along your drive.  Gurudevi shows you the landmarks and explains their significance.  She also gives you practices to speed your progress.

This Telecourse has three Modules.  Each Module includes written lessons as well as videos of Gurudevi giving teachings and practices.  Enroll in a single module or take all three.

Module 1:  The Power of Yearning — What is it that you really want?  And how do you attain the highest? ONLINE NOW. Log in here

Module 2:  Finding Your Way — Learning from one who knows and cultivating your inner readiness for more. SOON COMING . Log in here

Module 3:  Experiencing Freedom — Experiencing stages of expansion into Consciousness and bringing that into your life. SOON COMING.  Log in here

This course opens up new dimensionality within.  These teachings and practices support your gestation, birth and maturation into a whole new level of being.  It works so deeply because, while Gurudevi teaches from the sutras and the oral tradition, she offers much more.  She shares more than mere theory, speaking from her own experience of having gone through the process. And she leads you through the same.

Each Telecourse Module includes:

  • Teaching article #1
  • Gurudevi’s video discourse #1
  • Personal Practice #1
  • Teaching article #2
  • Gurudevi’s video discourse #2
  • Personal Practice #2
  • Closing report and questionnaire

Move through the process at your own pace, whether you complete it all in a few days or it takes you months.  Your Module password will be valid for four months after your enrollment. Once you receive your password, no refunds are allowed.

Gurudevi taught this course in 2015 as her Year-Long Programme, which was titled "Spiritual Development:  Stages & Steps."   Now it includes newly recorded videos along with updated and revised articles.  In addition, personal practices are given that move you through the stages and steps.  Not included are the discussions and Q&A that were offered during the live classes.

In this Telecourse, you have personal access to all the articles and videos in your Module for four months.  You can dive in deep, even reviewing each offering multiple times.  This is guaranteed to shift your sense of who you are, supporting your growth into Self from the inside-outward.


Gurudevi Nirmalananda


Dates & Times:  All Modules will be available online on Thursday, May 19 2022.

Enrollments fees (enroll for single Modules or the 3-Module Package):

Module 1:  The Power of Yearning $101.00

Module 2:  Finding Your Way $101.00

Module 3:  Experiencing Freedom $101.00 

3 Module Package: $262.00

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.

Svaroopa® Yoga

Enlightenment:  Stages & Steps

You're already on the way,

proven by your exploring here.

Find out about the path and 

how to speed your progress,

as known by those who have trekked 

to the heights for which you yearn.