Vowed Level Details

Shishya (disciple)

Pronunciation:  SHEE-shyaw

Vow:  none.

Prerequisites:  have already received beginning teachings.  There are a variety of ways to fulfill this, in SVA’s retreats and trainings as well as with your Svaroopa® Vidya teacher in your area.  In addition, a Shishya application is required.

Practice:  none required at this level

Ashram Seva (volunteer work):  none required at this level, though you may offer

Ashram Dakshina (monthly donations):  none required at this level, though you may offer

Initiation Gift:  none, as there is no initiation because there are no vows

Tuition Discount:  not at this level

Special Programs available:  Monthly practice recommendations, Shishya Q&A Satsangs, monthly Shishya emails, online Gurudevi Connection programs for special events

Shishya applications are accepted at any time and processed monthly.  Click here to complete your application.

Sadhaka (one who does the practice)

Pronunciation:  SAW-daw-kaw

Vow:  none

Prerequisites:  have taken at least one Shaktipat Retreat. Sadhaka application required.

Practice:  establishing daily practice; begin wearing light colors

Ashram Seva (volunteer work):  none required at this level, though you may offer

Ashram Dakshina (monthly donations):  $21 per month or more

Initiation Gift:  none, as there is no initiation because there are no vows

Tuition Discount:  20% off Lokananda YTT Levels, ATT, PYT and MTT tuitions for qualifications at new skill levels. NOTE:  you must enroll with the Enrollment Advisor (not online) by the confirmation date (not late) in order to get this discount.

Special Programs available:  Monthly practice recommendations, Shishya Q&A Satsangs; monthly Shishya emails; online Gurudevi Connection programs for special events

See below for information about applying.

Vratin (one who has taken a vow)

Pronunciation:  VRAW-tin

Vow:  meditate daily, practice yamas & niyamas

Prerequisites:  have taken at least one onsite Shaktipat Retreat, Foundations of Svaroopa® Yoga & Vows Preparation Course; have been a Shishya or Sadhaka for one year or more, application for Vratin, interview and approval by Gurudevi

Practice:  meditate daily; practice yamas & niyamas; wear visible white daily (which may be along with other colors), vegetarian (no meat, no seafood, no eggs), wear no black and use no leather

Ashram Seva (volunteer work): 2-3 hours per month or more

Monthly Dakshina (monthly donations):  $108 per month or more (scholarship available)

Initiation:  in Vows Retreat

Receive Initiation Gift:  receive white scarf and white wristband from Gurudevi

Give Initiation Gift (dakshina):  none required, though it is traditional to offer a donation

Attendance: Vowed Member Retreat required annually, plus one other course or immersion (Online or On-Site) annually

Tuition Discount:  30% off Lokananda YTT Levels, ATT, PYT and MTT tuitions for qualifications at new skill levels, NOTE:  you must enroll with the Enrollment Advisor (not online) by the confirmation date (not late) in order to get this discount.

Special Programs available:  Online Vratin Group, Vratin Q&A Satsangs, Shishya Q&A Satsangs, Monthly practice recommendations, online Gurudevi Connection programs for special events

See below for information about applying.

Brahmacharin (celibate yogi)

Pronunciation:  BRAW-maw-CHAW-rihn

Vow:  to be completely celibate (with special rules for married couples); meditate daily; practice yamas & niyamas

Prerequisites: completed one year or more as a Vratin; additional studies and practice as directed by Gurudevi; followed by an application and approval by Gurudevi.

Practice:  celibate; meditate daily; practice yamas & niyamas; wear visible yellow daily, vegetarian (no meat, no seafood, no eggs), wear no black and use no leather

Ashram Seva:  2-3 hours per week or more

Monthly Dakshina (monthly donations):  tithe 5% of income plus $51 or more (scholarship discount available)

Initiation:  in Vows Retreat or in Ashram ceremony

Receive Initiation Gift:  receive yellow scarf, Ashram necklace, yellow wristband from Gurudevi

Give Initiation Gift (dakshina):  none required, though it is traditional to offer a donatioṇ

Tuition Discount:  40% off all Lokananda tuitions (except programs that include Shaktipat).  NOTE:  you must enroll with the Enrollment Advisor (not online) by the confirmation date (not late) in order to get this discount.

Special Programs available:  periodic conference for Brahmacharis and Swamis; Vratin Q&A Satsang, Sishya Q&A Satsang; online Gurudevi Connection programs (for special events)

See below for information about applying.

Sannyasin (Swami)

Pronunciation:  SAWN-YAW-sin

Vow:  renounce all the three worlds.

Prerequisites:  completed one year or more as a Brahmacharin; additional studies and practice as directed by Gurudevi; followed by an application and approval by Gurudevi

Practice:  fully celibate, renunciant, wear only orange, vegetarian (no meat, no seafood, no eggs), use no leather.

Ashram Seva:  none required at this level

Monthly Dakshina (monthly donations):  Sannyas dakshina is required before initiation, no further dakshina is required

Initiation:  ceremony in India with Gurudevi

Receive Initiation Gift:  receive orange cloth & rudraksha mala

Give Initiation Gift (dakshina):  to be determined individually

Tuition Discount:  all Lokananda tuitions are free, on a space available basis at time of enrollment only; enroll with Enrollment Advisor (by confirmation date).

Special Programs available:  periodic conference for Brahmacharins and Swamis; Vratin Q&A Satsang, Shishya Q&A Satsang; online Gurudevi Connection programs (for special events)


Our annual application period will reopen in June 2025.

Shishya applications are open all year, see above.

Svaroopa® Yoga

A Calling

The inner calling is the highest form of Grace, your own Self calling you to look for your own Self.

Vowed Member Resources

What is a Vow?

Letter from Gurudevi

Vow Levels Details

Shishya Membership

Shishya Resources