Guided Meditations Series
Begins Saturday June 1 - CANCELLED
Guided meditations are so delicious! Your meditation teacher soothes your mind, turning it toward an inner realm of peace and expansiveness.
As you settle inward, your relax more and more deeply. The goal is a conscious inner experience of the inner infinity of your own Beingness. But sometimes it turns into a short snooze. Delicious, but not conscious.
Learn how to explore more deeply inward, beyond your mind and memories, deeper than your fears and desires. Experience the expansive reality within, more and more consciously, by using the techniques taught in this course.
Progress organically from reclining meditations to seated meditations, with the guidance and support of your teacher. She has been through the same process herself and knows the signposts and how to get you there.
Swami Samvidaananda
Dates & Times
This series is cancelled. Check out our Programs Calendar for future classes.
Your online connection link will be emailed to you after you enroll. It comes the day before or the day of the program.
Video and audio participation are both required, as the class is interactive. We need to be able to see your questions budding up or the bliss shining across your face.
Course Confirmation Date
May 30 2024
We confirm the course on or before this date, when we have enough enrollments to confirm. Early rates are available until this date. We will email you with the latest updates.
Standard Tuition: $89.00
More Info
Our Enrollment Advisors will be happy to connect with you and answer any questions - programs@svaroopayoga.org or 610.806.2119
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
Svaroopa® Yoga
Peace is found inside. It is already there. You've been looking in the wrong place, trying to get your outer circumstances to give you peace. Now it's time to learn how to look within.