Muktananda's Shaktipat Anniversary

August 15 2024

Muktananda was a great yogi already, having done 25 years of study, practice and pilgrimage.  Though he was honored by many, he knew he was incomplete and continued to seek the teacher who could give him the highest.   He found that Guru in Ganeshpuri - Nityananda.

Muktananda became the perfect disciple, hiding his own attainments, sitting quietly in the back, focused only on Nityananda.  After Muktananda waited a long time and proved his readiness as a disciple, Nityananda gave Shaktipat initiation to Muktananda

An auspicious day, when India gained its independence from England, truly a day of freedom.  Nityananda's gift was much greater, spiritual freedom, the Ultimate Attainment, given in an instant:  MahaShaktipat Diksha (the great initiation).  He gave the gift that had been promised when Muktananda received his name - ananda = the bliss, mukta = of freedom.  

BLOG with more info:

What a Day! by Swami Nirmalananda

Svaroopa® Yoga

The Bliss of Freedom

Muktananda did not know the promise held in His own name, not until Nityananda gave the gift of MahaShaktipat Diksha.