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What is a Satsang?

Satsang is Swami Nirmalananda Saraswatia free program based in the ancient yogic tradition. This is the primary way that sages have offered their teachings for thousands of years, since the time of the Upanishads. The Sanskrit word means “in the company of Truth,” made up of “sat” (Truth) and “sangha” (in the company of).

Swami Nirmalananda continues this age-old tradition by sharing the depth and breadth of yoga’s timeless teachings in this free program.

"She has so much love, compassion, understanding, and awareness. She sees so much.".— Phil M., USA 

"I remember the first time I looked into Gurudevi's eyes and saw consciousness. I had to look away. It was like being blinded by the sun. Today I yearn to look into her eyes and I do it whenever I can." Melissa H., Australia

"Gurudevi is the best teacher I have experienced. She has wisdom, depth of knowledge, compassion and love for her students and her yoga." Nancy V., USA

As a Swami, her mission is to share yoga’s ancient teachings on a broad scale; her entire life is dedicated to offering her service in this way. She specializes in providing easy and deep inner experiences of your own Self, by using the teachings and practices that she received from her Guru and that she has cultivated for 35 years.  Click here for her bio.

Her satsang programs include chanting, the teachngs of the ancient sages, meditation instruction, meditation and an opportunity to meet Gurudevi personally (called darshan).


Svaroopa® Yoga

Know Your Own Self

Your inward exploration is easy when you study with one who already knows. This is the mystical secret of Svaroopa Vidya Meditation, that the doorway inside is opened for you.

Satsang Chant

What is a Satsang?