Dakshina:  Yoga’s Practice of “Giving Back"

When you follow your impulse toward generosity by making a financial contribution to support your teacher and the teachings, you are engaging in the ancient yogic practice of dakshina. 

Dakshina is unconditional giving, motivated by a pure inner impulse and dedicated to a higher purpose. You give from a bhav (feeling, mood) of gratitude and love for your yoga, whatever the size or type of your donation. There is nothing to be gained, except your own Self. Through dakshina you weave your yoga into your wallet!

Have your Ashram’s offerings benefitted you? If your answer is “yes,” I invite you to join me in giving back to the Ashram with your financial support.  - Ellen (Lajja) Mitchell, Board President

There are many ways to engage in dakshina to support Swami Nirmalananda, our teachers and programs.  See below for lots of wonderful options! 

Activities you might like to support   

Ashram Support - supporting our continuing operations, online services, facilities and staff

Swami Support — supporting Swami Nirmalananda and her work in the world

Freebies — our many online freebies plus our free programs both online and in-person,

To discuss your donation, please call us at 610-644-7555. 

Contribution Type

Single Contribution - In the amount that fits your heart and your wallet.

Monthly Contribution - Our Board of Directors asks you to consider making a monthly contribution. Along with creating a consistent and significant form of support, monthly contributions help us to forecast, an integral part of our budgeting process, so that we may better serve you.  Monthly Donors giving $15.00 per month or more are eligible for discounted tuition rates.

Donation In Honor Of:  You may give a gift in honor of someone, whether a teacher or someone dear to you.  We send a handwritten note to your honoree, thanking them for inspiring your generosity (though the amount remains confidential).  To make a donation in honor of someone, please email us at

A Gift from Your IRA - You may be able to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA directly to Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram.  It can help fulfill your required minimum distribution while lowering your federal and possibly state income tax.  Contact your tax professional for more info.

Payment Method

You can donate on-line or by mail using a check, a credit card or bank account debit.

All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations for 501(c)(3) organizations.

Click here to donate or call us at 610.644.7555 or email at  Every gift, of any size and frequency, makes a difference.  Thank you.

OM svaroopa svasvabhavah namo namah

Svaroopa® Yoga

The Yoga of Generosity

“Giving and sharing are a mark of personal, and yogic, growth.  You grow by caring.  You grow by contributing.” 

- Swami Nirmalananda