FREE Meditation Satsang
Calgary AB, Canada
Friday May 31
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Click for Flyer
Experience deep meditation made easily accessible by one who has devoted her life to spirituality. Swami Shrutananda is a monk in the ancient Saraswati order, who shares her incredible knowledge in a personal way through her humour as well as her caring presence.
Her satsang program includes a discourse as well as group chanting and meditation. If you are new to this approach, she makes it easy for you. Her programs are always wonderfully deep, supportive and life changing. Allow her to show you the truth of the highest teachings, as she guides you to the experience of your own Divine Essence.
You are invited to join us for another program:
Saturday June 1 Full Day Program at Bonavista Downs Community Center
Hosted By
Heather Wong Ken & Frances (Jñani) Amery
We need to know how many to plan for, so please RSVP here.
The Ashram looks forward to serving you in this way.
Date & Time
Friday May 31 2024 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Bonavista Downs Community Center
1418 Lake Ontario Rd SE, Calgary AB, Canada
Additional Information
Our generous hosts will be happy to answer any questions: Heather Wong Ken, email; Frances (Jñani) Amery, email
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
When events beyond our control cause unavoidable changes, locations and fees are subject to change without notice.
Svaroopa® Yoga
Deep and profound meditation, opened up through a simple and easy process, this is our specialty. You experience the difference in your first meditation.