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Honoring the One Who Needs No Praise

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

Enjoy these joyful songs of praise, dedicated to the one who needs no praise. They honor the Gurus of my lineage, Baba Muktananda and Bhagavan Nityananda.

We usually do a candle flame ceremony when chanting them. Yet you can chant them or listen to them anytime, with or without waving the light.

Jyota se Jyota — Light my Inner Flame

Gurudeva Hamara Pyara — Our Beloved Guru

I made these recordings years ago, specifically for us to use in Ashram programs. People hearing them and chanting along have been asking if they could get them somewhere. And now you can!

The title comes from Shree Guru Gita, intro verse 2:

Nana-vidhani chanda.msi

"srii-guru-paramatma devata.

Verses with diff’rent melodies

honor the One who needs no praise.

Satguru, the Supreme Self is

the Divine One being honored.

Hear me chanting this verse in Sanskrit in my Guru Gita Podcast.  Learn more in my audio commentary on it.

And fill your heart with joy by listening to these splendid songs of praise!  They will fill your day with light when you play them or sing along.

Jyota se Jyota 5:35

In India, a famous singer was so moved by his experience with my Baba that he wrote this song and gifted it to him. Since then, we sing this song when we do the arati ceremony, slowly moving a candle flame in clockwise circles, to draw his blessings to us.

This traditional ceremony is performed out of love and gratitude. It ranges from simple ceremonies with a single candle flame to elaborate events in temples and holy sites. You can wave the flame without singing, and you can sing without waving the flame. Each brings its own blessing. And when you combine them, you soak it in even more deeply.

While the song is in a foreign language for most Western yogis, the power of the chant is not found in the language, but in the blessing it draws to you. That is beyond words.

Gurudeva Hamara Pyara 4:37

In my Baba’s Ashram, we sang this every night. It was the culmination of a great day for me, full of yogic practices and seva (service) to my Guru. The jubilation in the chant expressed the joy I felt in being able to dedicate my life in this way.

My Baba wrote this song to honor his Guru, but I sang it to honor Baba. Today I continue to live a dedicated life, due to the support of my Guru. This arati song names and celebrates that support, which is ongoing, eternal and constant.


Produced by Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati

Vocals, harmonium, tamboura: Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati

Drums, synthesizer: Bruce Siekman

Cover Design & Graphics: Gurudevi Nirmalananda

Mixed by Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati & Bruce Siekman

Recorded at Amoeba Audio

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