Na Shivam Vidyate Kvachit
by Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Shiva is the primordial ever-existing reality. In the divine dance of creativity, we call Shiva by the name of Maa – He is She.
This chant is a verse from the Svacchandra Tantra, sung in Sanskrit and in English.
It is reassuring and challenging at the same time. While affirming, “There is nothing that is not Shiva,” it challenges you to recognize Shiva everywhere. There is nowhere there is not Shiva.
This means that everywhere you go, seeking happiness, you find fulfillment in only one thing – Shiva. Looking inside or looking outside, there is only one Reality. Look into your own eyes and you will know – everything that you see is He.
Verse 1
Na Shivam Vidyate Kvachit
There is nowhere there is not Shiva.
There is nothing that is not Shiva.
Everything that I see is He.
Everything that I see is Me.
Verse 2
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
- Available on Apple Music
- Available on Amazon Music
Originally included in "Emanation Celebration," an album by Gurudevi Nirmalananda.
Vocals: Gurudevi Nirmalananda, Cynthia (Durga) Davenport, Jonathan Feeney, JoAnn Morrell, Clair Oaks, Linda (Sarita) Rado, Ellen (Shaswati) Rosenkrantz, Swami Sahajananda Saraswati, Kelly Sharp, Doe (Yogamaya) Wails, Evan (Mahesha) Wails
Harmonium & Tamboura: Gurudevi Nirmalananda
Tablas: Ed Feldman; Djembe: Chuck Manzella
Guitars: Evan (Mahesha) Wails, JoAnn Morrell
Various Percussion: Gurudevi Nirmalananda, Doe (Yogamaya) Wails, Jonathan Feeney, JoAnn Morell
Recorded and Engineered by Bruce Siekman, Amoeba Audio, Fleetwood PA
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