Living Mysticism 2025

Calendar Journal

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

You are getting closer to enlightenment day-by-day. It is your destiny, whether you make it this lifetime or in a later one.

Shine light on your journey by living more consciously. This calendar-journal helps you smooth out the bumpy road by bringing you sutra-like teachings for every day of the year.

Use this book as a calendar to help organize your days. As a journal, it gives you space to write or draw about your meditations or your life – or both.

You may prefer to fill the pages with mantras or prayers, invoking Divine blessings with each one. Or use each day’s teaching as a jumping off point, to contemplate the message more deeply.

Like the weaver’s loom, you can weave these teachings and practices through your life. Thus, your inner light shines from its source, empowering you to care and to share from the depths of your own Self.

What a way to live!