Shree Maa Jai Maa

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda and Group

The ever-expanding joy of the One, dancing the ecstatic play of the universe, has brought you into existence – along with everything else and everyone else who exists.

This amazing universe is an expression of absolute fullness of Being, an emanation from the One Source, made of the One Substance.

“Divine Mother” is such a practical term for the One that births the universe out of the womb of her own existence. Maa.

This chant springs out of the ecstasy of Her love and expresses your own joy of being fully alive.  It revels in the beauty of the world and the One who created it.

Calling out to Maa by many of her different names invokes Her blessings in many forms, from the tender to the fierce.   

Shree Maa – Honored Mother

Jai Maa – Hail to Mother

Chiti Shankari – She who brings the universe into existence

Uma Parvati – She who shelters and protects

Kali Durge – She who frees me from my own pain;

Sing along with great love and you will feel Her presence and blessings in an undeniable way!


Originally included in “Emanation Celebration” album, 2000 

Vocals: Gurudevi Nirmalananda, Cynthia (Durga) Davenport, Jonathan Feeney, JoAnn Morrell, Clair Oaks, Linda (Sarita) Rado, Ellen (Shaswati) Rosenkrantz, Swami Sahajananda Saraswati, Kelly Sharp, Doe (Yogamaya) Wails, Evan (Mahesha) Wails 

Harmonium & Tamboura: Gurudevi Nirmalananda 

Tablas: Ed Feldman; Djembe: Chuck Manzella 

Guitars: Evan (Mahesha) Wails, JoAnn Morrell 

Various Percussion: Gurudevi Nirmalananda, Jonathan Feeney, JoAnn Morell, Doe (Yogamaya) Wails 

Recorded and Engineered by Bruce Siekman, Amoeba Audio, Fleetwood PA 

©® 2000 Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. All Rights Reserved