Spiritual Hunger & Fulfillment
By Gurudevi Nirmalananda
My own inner ache, the unnameable yearning focused into seeking only when I found true teachings, and found fulfillment only when I surrendered to a true teacher.
Only then could I truly pray, for I knew what to pray for and to whom. Finally I dedicated myself to the path and its promise was fulfilled. Only one thing remains, to honor the one who gave me me.
This album tracks that journey, the teachings echoing through the ages from Adi Shankaracharya in his poem of Consciousness and Bliss, the Atma Shatakam, presented here in Sanskrit and English.
The prayer is a call of desperation and love, Bhagavan Namah. My focus on the true teacher, my own Guru, Swami Muktananda, reverberates through the Guru Mantras, the scintillating jewel presented here. Om Namo Bhagavate describes how I live, in celebration, love and worship.
OM Svaroopa Svasvabhava (00:15)
These introductory mantras honor the Divine in you as well as in the chanter.
Atma Shatakam – Shivo’ham Shivo’ham (4:50)
This poem-song was written by Adi Shankaracharya over a thousand years ago. It describes the state of freedom, free from all external definitions. The refrain, "Shivo'ham Shivo'ham," echoes all the way inside to the place where you already know that you are Shiva, just as it says.
Atma Shatakam Translation (4:04)
The chant in Sanskrit touches your heart and soul, while this English reading helps your mind understand what those deeper effects are - and to be able to cooperate with them.
Bhagavan Namah (11:52)
Calling out to God, finding God inside, all made possible by the Guru. Despair turns into longing, which settles into stillness and expands into ecstasy.
Guru Mantras (25:35)
Honoring the one who gives you the greatest gift, your own Self. Honoring the Divine in the one who lives in the knowing of their own Divine Essence, and sees that same Divine Essence in each of us.
Purno’ham (16:44)
Finding the Divine Essence within, Shankaracharya's disciple spoke these ecstatic words, "I am full, I am Self, I am Shiva."
Om Namo Bhagavate (13:43)
"Again and again I bow," Gurudevi begins every program with this phrase. In this song, she bows to the Divine in her own Guru. Her great love and gratitude are contagious.
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Produced by: Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati
Vocals, harmonium, kartals: Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati
Drums, bells, cymbals, vibraharp, marimba, chimes: Bruce Siekmann
Prayer bowl: Swami Samvidaananda
Cover Photo by Rohit Sulakhe
Mixed by: Bruce Siekmann with Swami Nirmalananda and Swami Samvidaananda
Recorded at: Amoeba Audio