May All Be Happy
Universal Prayer
in Sanskrit
This is one of the hymns that has always moved me most deeply. I am delighted to be able to share it with you.
We chanted it every morning in my Baba’s Ashram, after chanting Shree Guru Gita, so we had already accumulated blessings to share with the world.
I always felt it deep in my heart when we gave voice to this beautiful hymn for the benefit of all. I still do.
Verse 1
Durjana-sajjano bhuuyaat
sajjana“saantim aapnuyaat,
“saanto mucyeta bandhebhyo
mukta"s caanyaan vimocayet.
May the wicked all become praiseworthy,
the worthy obtain peacefulness,
the peaceful be set free from bondage,
and the freed liberate the bound ones.
Verse 2
Svasti prajaabhya-paripaa-layantaa.m
nyaayena mahii.m mahii”saa.h,
go-braahma.nebhya “subham astu nityam
loka-samastaa-sukhino bhavantu.
Blessings on the people, on their rulers and protectors.
May these great leaders rule the earth righteously.
May cows and the wise sages be fortunate at all times.
May all beings everywhere be always happy.
Verse 3
Kaale var.satu parjanya.h
p.rthivii “sasya“saalinii,
de”so’yam k.sobha-rahito
braahma.naa santu nirbhayaa.h.
May the clouds and the rain come in the right season.
May the earth produce abundant grain.
May this land be free from all troubles.
May lovers of God be fearless.
Verse 4
Sarve bhavantu sukhina.h
sarve santu niraamayaa.h,
sarve pa"syantu
maa ka”scid-du.hkha-bhaag-bhavet.
May all live in happiness.
May all be healthy and virtuous.
May all see only auspicious sights.
May none face sorrow or distress.
Verse 5
Sarvas taratu
sarvo pa”syatu,
sarva-kaamaan avaapnotu
sarva-sarvatra nandatu.
May all overcome obstacles.
May all see only divine sights.
May all have their desires fulfilled.
May all everywhere be joyous.
Verse 6
Svasti maatra uta pitre no astu
svasti gobhyo jagate puru.sebhya.h,
vi”svam subhuuta.m suvidatra.m no astu
jyogeva d.rsyema suuryam.
Make our mothers and our fathers be fortunate.
Blessings on the cows and on all living beings.
May all enjoy wellbeing, success and grace.
And long may we see the sun.
OM “santi.h “santi.h “santi.h
OM peace peace peace
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Vocal, Harmonium and Tamboura: Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati
Cover Design & Graphics: Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati
Produced by Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati
Recorded at BE DO BE DO BE DOO Studios, Nashville TN
Engineered, mixed and mastered by Brian Hardin
© ℗ 2000-2024 Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited.