The Divine Lovers

Radha Krishna

Sing the name of God over and over again.  You will experience the bliss of Divine Love, especially in this chant, dedicated to the two-in-one. 

Radha is the Goddess and Krishna the God, and while they are two separate expressions of divinity, they were never not one. 

Simultaneously Radha is the human being who looks to someone else for completion and Krishna is the God who comes to fulfill her longing, but it is not a lustful longing.  It is the human longing to know God. 

The love of Radha and Krishna are expressed perfectly in this traditional melody, which moves from a deep and growing hunger to haunting cry of longing for God, and from there to the culmination in the highest. 

Radha & Krishna are names of Divine incarnations who lived 5,000 years ago. 

Radha — a woman who loved Krishna with her whole being, also considered an incarnation of the Goddess Lakshmi. 

Krishna — a man, a God-man, incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who took birth to save mankind from itself. 

Verse 1


Radha Krishna Radha

Verse 2

Radha Krishna Radha

Verse 3 

Radha Krishna Radha



Vocal, Harmonium and Tamboura: Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati 

Cover Design & Graphics: Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati

Produced by Gurudevi Nirmalananda Saraswati 

Recorded at BE DO BE DO BE DOO Studios, Nashville TN 

Engineered, mixed and mastered by Brian Hardin 

© 2000-2024 Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited.